Project Description


If you’ve been in Durango for any length of time, you would know Beth for all she contributes in our community. 4CORE was pleased to be able to give back to Beth with energy efficiency upgrades.

Beth bought her home 10 years ago and has been making upgrades to her Victorian home as she can over the years. Beth’s old home needed a lot of work to keep it in good condition, much less work to upgrade it’s efficiency and make it more comfortable. By participating in 4CORE’s programs, Beth was able to have her home’s attic insulated, doors and windows sealed, the crawlspace door repaired to prevent cold air from freezing her pipes as they did every winter and high efficiency fixtures for her faucets and showerheads.

Beth says that she could feel a difference in the warmth of her home the first night after insulation was blown into the attic. She feels more cozy in her 122 year old home and paying her utility bills is less stressful knowing that she’s done everything she could to improve her efficiency.

“Everyone who visits my home loves it…now I feel like my house loves me!”. 

“I have a house that’s 122 years old and not built for energy efficiency.  I knew I couldn’t afford the work that needed to be done, I also knew that I could trust the process with 4CORE and it was a direct referral from friends who also had a great experience with energy efficiency upgrades.
